Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fashion doesn't agree with me... #50

Decorative arms.  WIN.

I think we might have had these modeled by Teh Democrative Lawyer during our trip to Denver in 2012...
I think she pulled them off better.

If I was taller, these would be even more awesome.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Not documenting all.the.things.

I missed recap Monday, but I can tell you that I had a crazy productive weekend. 

Went to dinner Friday night with Teh FL Greyhound Wife and Husband at Buffalo Wild Wings.  Got my teriyaki wing salt fix for the next year. 

Saturday I ran errands, had lunch at Mission BBQ while my car was getting "washed" (worst car wash ever), picked up the photos to finally replace the photos and fill frames that had been empty for months... all 104 photos to replace 7 spots.  Yeah, I did that.  But I have some awesome panoramic shots that I'm going to do something with... eventually.  After finishing the photos and rehanging the frames (which only took me about 30 seconds compared to the 5 minutes it took the original person who hung the frame), I got motivated and headed outside to detail Yurtle for the upcoming trip to DW so Teh Sister and I wouldn't have to endure all the Phil hair for the entire trip.  4 hours later, Yurtle was "shaved", windows were cleaned, interior wiped down, and outside rewashed.  I completely understand why it costs so much to have vehicles detailed.  Holy moly.  After that, I was pooped and spent the rest of the evening being lazy.

Sunday started with church, then I went to Walmart to pick up PB for Phil and Meri while I'm gone.  The productivity continued.  I vacuumed then cleaned the rug that Meri was using as the inside grass... then I recleaned it and moved it upstairs to dry in the spare room.  I steam mopped all the mud prints off the floor.  I vacuumed the rest of the house and then decided to use the remaining carpet cleaning solution upstairs in the bedroom where Meri had left me a present one morning (I really do love her, even when it's hard) and the upstairs hallway.  After all that, I gave Meri a bath.  She wasn't a huge fan and she ran some crazy zoomies in the yard and laid down in the dirt to eat the bush afterward, but she was clean and fluffy and didn't smell.

Putting my living room decorations back up = win.

Things you discover when you vacuum...

isn't she adorable?  Be still my heart.

Monday came and I wasn't ready.  After having 4 of the last 5 Mondays off due to weather or 3 day weekends or whatever, Monday has become a very rough day.  Fortunately, work wasn't too stressful and I got in a super good workout before heading home and nursing a headache that wouldn't go away (probably due to the pressure change and impending snow).  After sitting on the couch till 6:30, I figured I should probably pack for my trip that I was leaving for in less than 24 hours, because... yeah.  I finally get up and pull out the suitcases to be reminded that both my big and medium suitcases have broken handles.  Fantastic.  I bring up a broken suitcase to pack and text Teh Sister with a fervor, who, of course, doesn't respond because she doesn't love me when I need her to.  I have no idea what to pack for FL when its supposed to be 80°F and rainy because it doesn't get over 40°F here cause winter = YAY!  I had 7 pair of jeans laid out when I was texting her and Teh Greyhound Neighbor-Wife in a panic because WTF DO I WEAR!?!?! 

I finally manged to lay out an assortment of clothes that will just have to do and decided to head to Kohl's rather than pack up the broken suitcase and deal with it (again).  I met Teh Humanitarian at Kohl's and we found suitcases for 70% off in the sizes I was looking for (WIN!) and did some retail therapying (yay Food Network Candles and 70% off sweaters!).  When I got home I realized I had locked myself out of the house.  In a panic I called Teh Greyhound Neighbor-Wife and Teh FL Greyhound Neighbor to see if one of them could let me in.  Then I found my hidden key.  /facepalm.  I let them both know I had made it inside and set about packing up the new suitcase so I could finally go to bed.

Progress is messy.


Today is rough.  I just want it to be time to go home so I can pack up the dogs and deliver them and get on the road.  Oh yeah and it's snowing and I'm inside with no windows.  I'm ready for it to be car karaoke time and mentally preparing myself for strawberry pie tonight and a Cookout milkshake tomorrow when we hit the road for FL.

Phil's face mirrors my current feelings.

So be prepared Gentle Readers.  Teh Megan and Teh Sister are hitting the road again and I'm sure that there will need to be another log of all the ridiculous things that we say and do.  I'm also planning on taking my camera since Epcot has their Flower and Garden Festival going on.  YAY ALL THE FLOWER PICS AND PICS WITH PRINCESSES AND CHARACTERS I LOVE.

Wish Disney World luck because we're on the way soon and it's going to be LEGEN.....DARY.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Five on Friday #16


I have been struggling with knowing that anyone can read Teh Blog lately, which is quite annoying.  Granted, most of the time, Teh Blog is a record of all my adventures, and I'm sure I will get back to that eventually, but right now.. I'm not really in the mood for public.  It's a difficult thing for me because for this long I haven't cared and now I do.

If I'm honest with myself its because I know Teh Bear can still read Teh Blog and despite him saying that he had unsubscribed, at that time, we were still Facebook friends and now we're not, so circumstances have changed.  I'm not really sure why I feel like I have to change my modus operandi because of him, but it is what it is.  I don't want to be all like, LOOK I'M HAPPY! and it seem like I'm trying to rub it in his face if he is reading, because that is 100% not the case.  While I might be happy, I would never want to rub that in anyone's face.  I'm just not that person, or maybe that's something I like to believe about myself?  Idk, man, idk.  Public life is hard.. even if I only have a handful of Gentle Readers.

Lets be honest, he probably doesn't still read Teh Blog and I'm just being a Paranoid Patty or a Ridiculous Ruthy.

That isn't to say I don't miss blogging.  I do.  I just don't have anything to rant about.  I have all these insecurities about getting out of the Navy and all the things that go with that.. it's a rabbit hole I'm not letting myself go down quite yet (aka, it's too early to start freakin' myself out, or freakin' out on myself).


I finally picked photos for the missing spots in the frames.  Finally.  And I also went through all my photos and cleaned up my computer hard drive and backed up my stuff on my external drive.  It was like technological spring cleaning... haha cause the first day of spring was yesterday!  I keep finding stuff that needs to be deleted or untagged on FB, but that's a process.  In my photos, I'll have a million pictures of one thing and 99% of them aren't good and they just need to be deleted, finally got around to doing some of that.  Realized that I'm an idiot and kept the watermarked photos from Australia and Scotland on my computer rather than the plain JPEGs.  Megan fail.

So rather than the 6 photos I needed to find, I found 53 options which means I might just buy another big frame for!!!  Ooooooo, or I could just photo collage in the big frame I have.  Man, decorating is hard work, but yay for having options!  Oooo or I could just print out the individual photos of the panoramics and place them in line.  OMG I'm a genius!!  I can't even handle myself.  Obviously I need to write more to sort out all my problems in life.


1.  My music collection is scary.
2.  Amazon is my work BFF.
3.  I heart all the muzaks at work (pretty sure they make me a better, nicer, Teh Megan).


I can't stop listening to this song.  I tried.  I had to play it again... and again.. and again.. and again.  And I finally downloaded the whole album.. and just listened to that one song over and over and over and over and over.  God its good I live alone and the dogs can't talk.


I think the "breakup diet" has officially ended.  I'm finally eating lunch and dinner regularly again (I had to start drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast shakes for breakfast since cereal wasn't staying down, which will continue).  I've also gotten addicted to kettle corn, which is completely the fault of Teh Greyhound Neighbors.  I can't get enough kettle corn.  I have to limit myself to 1 mini bag a day, even though I want to eat all 10 mini packages.

Even though the "diet" has ended, the working out continues.  I go to the gym every day after work, despite a sprained quad (who does that?).  I read while I'm on the elliptical and I love reading so it just works out so delightfully.  I've also added the weight machines to my sessions.  Only arms what with the retard leg, but that's ok since I've always been mostly lower body strength.  I also throw in some ab workouts here and there for the PRT, which is a-comin'.  Additionally, I try to walk the dogs at least a few times during the week when neither Phil nor I can stand Meri's incessant movement and being in our faces and omgallthethingsomglookatthisboneomgphilplaywithmeomgmompetmeomglife..  Did I mention I love her?  I have a ton of photos of her that I need to post on Phil's blog the dog blog.  Maybe this weekend?

Clean (again, ugh.  between Meri thinking my rug is the grass and the mud ughhh, the mud is everywhere).
pack for DW
give Yurtle a bath
maybe give the puppies a bath

Linking up with these ladies since it's FRRRIIIIIDAY:

 photo H54Fbutton-1_zpsa7aaa665.png

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fashion doesn't agree with me... #49

All the red hues...

Square eyes.

Puttin' on my rose colored glasses.

Sporty bad ass.

Pointy, flowers, purple... It's like I'm 13 again.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Five on Friday #15/Little Notes #9

UNO - Dear food,

I'm sorry for our relationship lately.  I know we're not as close as we used to be, but maybe that's a good thing?  I mean, its kind of embarassing really.  I'm afraid to go out to restaurants with other people because they will experience just how little I eat and I'm afraid they will get concerned.  It's not you, it's me.  On the other hand, watching the scale go down 10 lbs in the last month or so has been very delightful.  Can I get 10 more?

DOS - Dear Upcoming Plans,

I really should be scheduling out the Disney World trip, I just haven't because the website is such a pain to use.  I should also call the tattoo place to put down a deposit for tattoos in April.  Oh and I should buy those tickets to the PostSecret event in Charlotte for April 22nd (PS, anyone wanna go with me?).  Oh yeah, and I should find a range in W.NC to test out some guns since I think I'm going to buy one.  (Did anyone else just catch all the redneck in that?  Tattoos and guns. /facepalm).

TRES - Dear DD-214,

You're coming.  I know it.  It's an extremely scary, extremely exciting thing.  On the one hand I feel like I'm giving up a good thing.  On the other hand, I know that I can do better.  Writing a resume is the scariest thing I've ever done.  I think no one in the Navy tells you to keep an up to date resume because that's how they get you to stay in.  It's not the benefits, no no.  It's the crippling fear of cover letter and resume writing that scares people into staying in. 

I think most of the fright is of the unknown.  Where will I work, what job will I do, where will I live?  Not being able to plan for those answers at this point is difficult for me because I'm a planner, dammit.  (Please see this for proof).

QUATRO - Dear Gentle Readers,

I'm not sure how many of you actually go to Teh Blog page to read my posts or if you use a feed reader or what have you (I don't judge.  I defintely use a feed reader that sometimes interferes with layouts, etc, so rarely do I visit actual blog sites), but I think I've finally figured out the design I like.  It only took months.  Having a dark background with colors and words and all the things becomes a difficult battle.  I was almost ready to hire someone to do a design overhaul since I was struggling.  I mean, Teh Blog is obviously not professionally done.  I don't have little hearts or birds or chevrons or special fonts for the text or headers.  But, I did it all by myself and its got squigglies!  I LOVE squigglies. 

CINCO - Dear Saturday,

I'm so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.  I really just hope Meri lets me sleep until at least 0630.  We'll see.  Last Saturday we slept until 7!  Hopefully I can get a walk in with the pups this afternoon, which will only help my cause.  If I'm a super slave driver, I'll make it a run and all the puppies will be so exhausted!

-Clean the house!  The dogs keep tracking in mud (or that's what I'm saying it is) and the bathrooms are.. bathrooms.  The floor needs to be steam mopped (thank you Meri) and the rug could really use a cleaning (again, thank you Meri). 
-Pick up poop.  I hate this job more than cleaning bathrooms.
-Cook next week's lunch/dinners.
-Potentially head up to Annapolis to hit up the PA Dutch Market to get some coconut oil and delicious meats and whatever else I think of.

Linking up with these ladies since it's FRRRIIIIIDAY:

 photo H54Fbutton-1_zpsa7aaa665.png

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fashion doesn't agree with me... #48

Like a boss.

Thick, reflective frames with neon arms?  WIN.

These are my Bear Eyes.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

So What Wednesday #9

So what

...I've been getting to sleep later and later and still getting up early.
   ++ The chats are totally worth it. 

...I just want to love on my puppy all the time and take all the photos and share them with all the people.
   ++ She's still new and I try to distribute some love to Phil as well.  He's probably never felt so loved in his entire life.  He's welcome.

...My hip/upper thigh has been hurting so bad but I haven't went to medical.
   ++ I really should, but its difficult to get an appointment and my doc has such minimal experience that he'd probably just refer me to someone else.  /facepalm

...Flexeril is my friend.
   ++ But it makes me sooooooo sleepy.  Even +12 hours later.  But ZOMG such good sleeps.  I'm not sure if I moved all night.

...I didn't work out on Tuesday.
   ++ When I don't workout, I am always ridiculously hard on myself.  I should really cut myself some slack.  It's not the end of the world.  I didn't go out and eat a whole pizza that night.  My hip was hurting something fierce and I need to give myself a break.  It's ok to rest.  (Maybe if I keep repeating all that to myself I'll actually start to believe it eventually).

...if I'm cheesy.
   ++ if I don't say the things I feel then no one knows.  But maybe, just maybe, that cheesiness is appreciated?  I mean, its scary being cheesy.  Rejection is a bitch and disappointment is even worse, Gentle Readers.

...there are days I can't make it through without a nap.
   ++ I'm such a nicer person after a nap.  It can only benefit everyone...  except for when it's bedtime and I can't go to sleep.  Then, not so much.

...if a chat about weddings made me want to check out wedding porn.
   ++ I'm holding strong.  I didn't do it.  I know where that path leads, I've been down it before.  It only serves to make me crazy(er).

...I haven't went through my FB photos yet.
   ++ Mostly because I'm in the "purge all the things!" mode and I know that shit just vanishes when I'm like that.

...I still haven't replaced photos that were in the frames when Teh Bear left.
   ++ All the frames are just sitting on the desk, staring at me, begging me to find photos for them.. but my brain is like.. how 'bout that nap?

Happy middle of the work week!

Life After I Dew

Monday, March 10, 2014

Dog, Gone, Weekend.

I'm lazy.. so I'm just going to direct you to Phil's blog where "he" put up a ridiculous amount of photos detailing the activities of this weekend.

First family photo!
PS.  please don't judge me wearing pink pants.  They were a retail therapy $10 splurge.
Also, if someone hits me while I'm running wearing them, they should be arrested for driving with impaired vision.

Sam was the object of my extremely drunken attentions.

Poor girl was probably worried her Mama was a lush.

Honestly though, it was a dog weekend.  Picked her up on Friday afternoon and came back to SoMD to sit at home and teach Mr. Scrooge about Skype while being highly intoxicated.  Saturday was a struggle, but Teh Greyhound Neighbors had us over in the afternoon for a walk and dinner and a movie and it was relaxing and fun.  Sunday was the Dog Fest and after I took both dogs into PetSmart.... and learned SO many valuable life lessons... like how my puppy needs to learn to walk on a leash and how Phil is slippery floor retarded even with his booties on and how dogs are assholes who poop and pee in the store because they can and how being a "single mom" is hard work.

I came home and did NOTHING for the rest of the evening and it was glorious.

Linking up with these ladies:

still being [molly]

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

So What Wednesday #8

So what:

...I dropped my graduate class this morning.
   ++ I looked at the syllabus and saw a 10-15 page lit review due on week 4 and a 18-20 page case study due at the end of the class.  During week 4 I'm going to be at DW.  At the end of the semester I'm going to be in NC.  It was for the best.

...I've been staying up late and waking up early for FB chats
   ++ This morning I got news that I wasn't expecting so soon.  It definitely made my week... if not much, much longer.  We'll see.

...I didn't study for my PO1 exam.
   ++ I was studying for EAWS and we had a snow day and I had medical and I've decided to study geography and call it done.  At least I'll find out how much studying helped me.

...I like to one song over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....
   ++ I can't help it.  First I have to learn the words properly, then I start singing it at the top of my lungs, then I start enjoying it, then that feeling comes where that song conveys your life so perfectly so you have to sing it again and again.  It makes for some killer song headaches. goal for the entire month of March is to write my resume.
   ++ Writing a resume is hard work.  Writing a resume and having no idea what you're doing is even harder.  I'm going to have to enlist some help, but I will make it happen.

...I don't have school work or EAWS to occupy me at work so I feel bored.
   ++ I also look bored when I'm on FB 86% of the time. 

...I'm really enjoying getting up early to get to work early.
   ++ Not just because the 5am chats I've been having, but also because it means that I almost always go to the gym and workout and I've been seeing results which makes me happy.  My NSUs weren't tight when I put them on last Friday for my board which definitely was a confidence booster.  My NWU pants are still a bit tight, but I also bought them smaller than I should have... I was a Navy baby, don't judge me.

...I really want to get my EAWS pin this Friday but I don't think its going to happen.
   ++ Really this is more about my convenience and planning that actually wanting to wear the device..  Then again, I did earn the damn thing.  I have to figure out when to take my uniforms to the tailor to have the patches sewn on because yeah.. supporting the local economy and saving myself bloody fingers.

...I got 5 referrals and 1 prescription for my 5 issues from my medical appointment yesterday and I was completely happy about that.
   ++ Ahhhh military medicine at its finest.  Hopefully these referrals will help me solve my back problems issue and I also requested a referral for tattoo removal, so we'll see what happens with that.  YAY medical!

...I'm afraid that Monday's snow was the last snow of the winter. 
   ++ I know that most people are SNOW over it.. but I love it.  Truly.  Even if I have to come to work.  It's pretty and it means I get to go sledding and lay in the snow.

Happy middle of the work week!

Life After I Dew

Monday, March 3, 2014

Single Awareness Weekend #1

Last week really felt long.  Probably due to circumstances regarding the previous weekend, but I survived.


Friday was an interesting day.  I had intended for it to be a relaxing Friday at work, but as always, everyone else always has different plans than me.  At 0600 I was at work, gettin' my work on, doin' what I do.  Right around 0800 I get a call from one of the ITs asking me if I was ready to do my EAWS board.  I said, not really but I would.  He then told me that they were planning on doing my board at 11.  I said, "11... today?"  He said, "Yep."  I asked if I had to be in my NSUs (the uniform I got my volunteer award in) and he said yes.  Great.  It was at home, not staged, not ready and I was at work, alone, doing what I do.  Fantastic.

Thanks Navy for those curve balls.  Keeps me on my toes.

After cramming in some studying for an hour and a half and ignoring all work problems that I could, I went home and changed uniforms.  When I got back to work, I still had 15 minutes till my board.  It was at that point the Navy was like, oh, you were feeling relaxed still?  Nahhhh.. Good game girl.  Here you go!  And all hell broke loose in my office and I was the only person there that could fix all the things.  Several people were in the office for different things and I was on the phone with a Chief and LCDR and finally said, "I'm sorry, but I've done all I can do for you and I have to go to my board now, it starts in 3 minutes and I'm not there yet."  I grabbed my stuff, walked out of the office, stopped, took a breath, and walked across the hangar for my board.

My board was not with the ITs like I had anticipated (I had been studying with them), it was with an LS3 and an LS2.  True to my study time with the ITs, I knew the stuff they didn't know and they knew the stuff I didn't know, which makes for a great board honestly.  I didn't do nearly as bad as I thought I would.  Although the first question they asked me I didn't know, which was definitely a blow to my confidence until I reassessed and reassured myself that there was going to be things I didn't know.  PS.  It was an acronym right off the bat and there was no acronym glossary in the entire study guide.  The one thing I'm willing to do for the EAWS program is make a stupid acronym guide for both phases because it was ridiculous how many acronyms were NOT defined!  For someone who isn't in the aviation world (ever) it was extremely difficult.

After missing lunch and switching boards (they did 2 boards at the same time.  One group administered the common core for the ITs while another group administered the platform specific for the LS's and I), we were finally done around 1400.  They called us back in a few minutes later to congratulate us on getting our wings.  I was relieved and excited and surprised.  Towards the end of the 2nd board, we were definitely struggling, part of which (I believe) might have been due to the fact that no one had eaten lunch, the board or the boardees (us)).  I think they took that into consideration, thankfully.

Hello dual quals.  PO2(IDW/AW) Teh Megan.

After disassembling my study guide and happily throwing the entire thing in the recycle bin, I changed into workout clothes and headed to the gym to burn all the calories I had eaten (ha.) and then headed to Target meet another GEGR friend who had Phil since she had taken him to donate his bloods.  After getting home and bringing in all the Christmas presents at my door and feeding Phil dinner, I called Teh FL Greyhound Wife and suggested we go get Shop Kicks since every where was 200 points for walk-ins and I suggested we eat since I hadn't done that enough for the day.

She agreed and came over and we went to Texas Roadhouse for lunch dinner.  Then we hit up all the Shop Kick stores in SoMD.  Then I had some (more) retail therapy time at Kohl's where I got some adorable striped shirts (which are apparently in now again) and a cute black dress (thank you break up diet!).  We had been out way longer than either of us had anticipated.  This had messed with my scheduled drinking plans, but it was for the best.


I finally went through the process of opening my "Christmas" presents aka break up retail therapy presents.  I had ordered a 5.1 speaker set from Woot, a small bluetooth speaker so I could listen to music upstairs, and Cards Against Humanity.  Saturday morning after determining it was too cold for a walk with Teh Greyhound Neighbor-Wife, I finally got motivated and hooked up the speaker bar and the rear speakers and sub.  LOOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE IT!  I jammed all day on Saturday.  The real motivation for setting up the speakers was so that I could clean and have music playing.  I did have some technical difficulties, which was all my computer, not any of the speakers.  I worked through them, which is always frustrating but rewarding when it all finally works out.

After I got the jamz going, I was able to start the laundry, do the dishes (for the week), I dusted before I set the speakers up (since it was easier and NEEDED to be done), I finished dusting the rest of the house after the music was on, scooped poop, fixed up a new piece of cardboard to hold my ribbons/warfare pins, and I vacuumed the entire house while flitting back to the computer for "breaks" in between activities.

I'll wear the wings on top in NSUs, but I plan to keep my IDW on top for my camis (because I can and because I'm cheap).

After being productive, I had to download Grey's since now requires you to log into your cable service provider to watch this most recent episode.  Seriously?  I hate network TV taking over lives.  I hate that I can't stop watching Grey's Anatomy even more.  I really struggled through most of the episode.  After the fall cliff hanger I was really expecting more.  Then again, Shonda is focused on Scandal now (which everyone says I need to watch), so she doesn't care about her baby.  I was in complete "Meh" mode until the final 3 minutes when the episode FINALLY hit me in a good too soon way.

It was the voice over that really sucker punched me and left me bawling on my couch realizing that as hard as my decision was, I did do the best thing and even if it hurts sometimes, I made the RIGHT decision for me.

Writing about that was very hard not to include spoilers.  That means I care.

I made it my goal to not get out of my pjs on Saturday after making it halfway through the day.  I was successful.  The other big part of the day was that Sam arrived to the airport in Spain!!!  While I tried to go to bed early, chatting with Mr. Scrooge prevented that successful endeavor.


I woke up and checked my phone to learn that Sam had arrived in FL via photos!  One of the best wake ups in a while.  I got ready and got to church and had a surprise, I didn't have to sit in the booth!  It was another cosmically good day.  I got to worship my heart out and then afterwards I went to brunch with Teh Singing Podcaster and Teh Singing Cat Lady.  We saw the most adorable puppy while we were waiting for our table.  We finally got our table and bellies were satisfied.

While I had been at lunch, Teh Coast Guardian had called me and asked if Phil and I were interested in going on a walk at St. Mary's City River State Park.  We definitely were since I hadn't worked out since Friday.  When I got home I got ready and packed up Phil in Yurtle to meet Teh Coast Guardian and Teh Humanitarian.  We walked and chatted about life and orders and Alaska and boys and Phil and Sam and moving and life.  We felt the temperature drop 10° during our hour trek.  After the walk, I took Phil home and made a poor life decision: to go to Walmart on the night before a snow storm was supposed to roll in to pick up some items I couldn't get at Target and I needed milk (because I was out, not because OMGSNOW).  /facepalm.  I tried to have the same mindset as I always do at Walmart, just be patient, you're not in a hurry, you have no where to be other than on the couch...  It was mostly successful.

When I came home, it was chillax evening with Philbo while oooh-ing and aaawwww-ing over Sam pics.

Loooooove her!

I was successful at going to bed early on Sunday night, even though I really didn't need to.  I had gotten the message that VX1 was closed on Monday due to the storm that was coming in... unless there was nothing on the ground when it was time to go to work...


I woke up around 0450 without an alarm, which is disappointing but worked out.  I checked my weather app and knew that there was nothing on the ground before I even bothered getting out of the bed.  But I had been told that VX1 was closed, so I didn't really make any real attempts to get up and get ready.  I did chat with Mr. Scrooge for a short bit, checked the FBs from my phone and saw that the VX1 facebook status had been updated to say that we were closed, closed for today.  I no longer felt any guilt about still being in bed.  I finally fell back asleep for a little bit, enjoying it because as soon as Sam gets here, that might not be a possibility.

I eventually got up and considered making my goal to stay in my PJs all day again.. but then Teh Greyhound Neighbor-Wife messaged me and invited me to go sledding... and who turns down sledding?  Not this girl!  I guess it worked out that I didn't get my TA letter to AMU so they wouldn't let me sign into my class this morning, even though today was the first day the class opened and I already gave them the remaining monies that the Navy doesn't pay..  I'm not even complaining.  Sledding standing in the cold was way more fun than forum assignments and readings anyways.

I made it the furthest!

Chris tried to beat me.. he failed.

All bundled up!
WIPEOUT!  This photo totally makes me giggle.
Hanging out in the snow.

There were more photos of Sam:

After sledding, I snuggled up with a blankie, hot chocolate, and my computer for the rest of the day trying to get warm again.  I even put my socks in the dryer so they would help thaw my toes.  The worst part of the day was letting Phil out and he decided to zoomie in the snow and I wasn't able to get it on video!  It was super unexpected because he rarely zoomies ever.  I guess there was enough snow to make him want to frolic.  I had taken him out to run around a bit in the main courtyard area of the neighborhood, but he has to stay on a leash and can only go as fast as me (short distances he much faster than me, imagine that).

So to recap that was: lazy, dogs, snow, surprise 3 day weekend!

Linking up with these ladies:

still being [molly]