I ended up being at work for half my freakin' life on Friday, waiting on the groomer to call to tell me come pick up Meri. When I called at 2:50, they hadn't even started on her yet and she had been dropped off at 1030. Thankfully, after I called, they pulled her in next and about 30 minutes later, I got a call that I could head that way.
I was grateful because there were "bad" storms rolling through the area and I kinda didn't want to deal with traffic plus that shit. But, I was lucky in that it was Good Friday, so a lot of people were off work, thus reducing the load on the roads, ANDDD since the storms were projected to be soooo bad, many people had gone home to beat the storm, to include closed businesses, etc. Finally, the storm wasn't really all that bad. It was very windy and there was a tornado warning, but I don't think Charleston got hit by anything other than a thunderstorm and less than hurricane winds...
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After beer lunch, I went by the piercing place that just opened up down the street from Company and had my conch changed out. Happiness. |
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Thanks Subaru for this fucking shit. My favorite thing... grrr. Please note, after you accept the warning, it comes back within 5 minutes. This is exceptionally obnoxious during hurricane season. |
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Noooo moooo fuzz! It's the biggest ears part of the year! |
After picking up Meri, we headed home and made it home in record time considering the weather and "rush hour" traffic. I had purchased Stingrays tickets for Teh German and I for Friday night and we agreed to go to Park Pizza for dinner before the game. Teh German had been working on mounting the cameras all day and he was pretty pissed off by the time I got home since he had anticipated it being a simple project. Nonetheless, we headed out by 5:30 for dinner. Thankfully, I called ahead with our order since it was a 45 minute wait. While we waited, we went to Accent on Wine since I know they carry the Stiegl Radler, which is one of two American served beer that I tolerate.
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McPark. My favorite way to eat a Big Mac. |
We scalded our mouths with straight from the oven pizza to be able to make it to the game in time, but we were successful. We got to our seats as the players were just getting called onto the ice.
In an expected disappointment, we lost. This eliminated us from the playoffs. So now, I need the Hurricanes to come through for me. After the game, we headed home and it was bedtime.
At 0600 I woke up and I was AWAKE. Unable to go back to sleep, despite valiant attempts, I gave up and got up and fed the beasts and started working on final homework assignments.![]() |
This handsome goof. I was trying to get some pics of him sitting in his new collar, but he's just so awkward. |
I didn't get far on homework because I got stuck on a question and need to ask about it, and I also completely forgot about a report I need to write until later Saturday night and it wasn't happening then.
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Me to Teh German: Look at Monkey-Doodle being adorable. Teh German: NO LEGS! |
At noon, I got my hairs did... finally. No purple this time, only blue. I'm digging it.
After finishing at the salon, Teh PT Wife and I went out shopping for things. Unfortunately, the 3 things I needed to accomplish were NOT. Ugh. 1 item I forgot to even write on my list (heavy cream for Easter mac and cheese), so that was on me. There was no less than 15 people in line at Victoria's Secret, where I needed to do a return and use $40 in coupons and I didn't have time for that. And we didn't go by any stores that carried the lotion that Mama G had requested.
When we returned home, it was hockey time. We lost. But we're at home tonight, so fingers crossed for the home advantage.. but I mean.. the final game will be in DC.. soooooooooo still need a win.
After hockey, it was sleepy time.
Sunday, Meri started harassing around 0730 and I told Teh German they were his kids today, then I rolled over and magically fell back asleep after he departed with the beasts. I woke up around 0900/0930 and decided to be motivated. I actually wanted to go on a run, but I didn't want to wash my hair, soooo I opted to talk Teh German into a dog walk instead. After walking the dogs, we headed to the Walmarts for my forgotten cream, items needed for dinner this week, and some things for Teh German's house projects. I also ended up deciding on a luggage situation.I can bring two 50 lb bags with me on my flight to Germany, but I know that I will not want to lug all that luggage around Italy, so I bought a cheap bag that I will leave in Germany. This bag can be used by the fam to bring stuff back and forth, when necessary.
After getting all the groceries put away, I started Teh PT Kid's requested mac and cheese.
Meri took advantage of Teh German "airing out" the fish tank (aka, the back door being open) by coming and going as she pleased. I caught her sunning herself and, of course, managed to get the most awkward photo.
Despite my hunch that we'd be late because Teh German, we were right on time to dinner. I swear I think Teh German has a time turner sometimes.
Easter dinner was at Teh NY Chef's house so we enjoyed dinner with our SC Family. There were cackles when great-grandma almost fell asleep on Teh German's shoulder and then, subsequently, when she laid down in his seat when he got up for a beer and promptly started snoring, LOUDLY.
While we were there, I was messaging with one of Teh German's childhood friends (nickname forthcoming) about doing a 8.5 km (~>5 mi) run while I'm there. He had asked Teh German if I'd be interested and Teh German knew I would be since I'd already talked about doing a run in Germany. After I checked that every finisher receives a medal, I agreed to do the race with him. It's gonna be fun because it's a fun course and because we follow each other's running adventures on FB, it will be fun to do a run together.
We headed home around 6 to feed the beasts then we headed to Teh PT House for corn hole and hanging out with Teh Neighbor Besties. Teh PT Wife banned homework time so I conceded and showed everyone how horrible I am at corn hole (which I am, but I did end up getting 3-5 bags in the hole over 3? games, which was bizarre for everyone).
By 8:30, we all had the yawns and it was time to go home. Before bed, I read through the Rome open tabs that were waiting on my laptop. I'm trying to narrow down the plan of action for Rome and it's overwhelming. Like, I want to do ALL THE THINGS.. except that's not realistic, so I have to make choices and that's hard for me when I want to do ALL the things. Like, getting up with the sun to take pictures of places without people and seeing Rome from the top of the Coliseum and going to the Vatican and doing a cooking class and riding Vespas around the city. Because of our flight times, I was easily able to scratch "see Pope" off the list since he does audiences on Wednesdays and we'll already be at the airport.
Decisions, decisions.
But I put it off for another day to go to bed at a reasonable time.
A fantastic weekend. This week is exams so it was nice to have a chill weekend. I also might be a little in denial about exams.. or maybe less denial, but more of a "come what may" mentality. I've been checked out since the beginning of the month when that stupid cyber security homework ran me into the ground and made me despise everything more than normal. After that, I've not been the same determined Megan regarding my assignments.I have 2 Networks assignments, 1 partner project in Digital Sys Engineering, and 1 report to BS for Data Algs all due on Tuesday. Jesus, take the wheel.
1 more week of Spring 2019. 🙌🙌🙌
10 days until I leave for Germany.
14 days until language class starts.
33 days until my Germany race.
33 days until Teh German arrives in Germany.
44 days until Italy.
56 days until I return to work in a full capacity (until my July class starts).
74 days until Chem 2 starts.
376 days until GRADUATION.
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