I was ready for Friday to finally arrive. Bridal portraits and no class on Wednesday really through my week off. After class, I made a pit stop at Walmart and then headed to work. We set up Hocus Pocus in a conference room, moved the couches in a theater setup and worked and ate snacks while viewing the movie. I hadn't ever seen it, so it was important that this situation be remedied, per no less than 3 of my coworkers, including my boss.After work, I headed home. Teh German was in a mood (and maybe I was too). I notice that generally, Friday evenings are the day when we are most likely to clash, for whatever reason. Dance lessons were going well until the end and then we fucked up our dance and Teh German was pissed at me for speaking during the dance because he couldn't concentrate.. I was pissed because he was making it out to be my fault... then we sat through the most awkward dinner at Sesame ever.
We do this thing when we fight where we don't speak to each other. It's a fucked up standoff thing and it really comes down to the fact that we are both unbearably stubborn and don't want to be the first one to break the silence on principle. Generally, I am the first one to break and I just wasn't having it this time. It was awkward AF sitting in the restaurant, obviously not speaking to each other, and only speaking when the server would come.
When we got home, I took care of the dogs and then went upstairs for a bath. Idk what Teh German did, but I think it included watching/listening to end of the Stingrays game. After the bath, I laid in bed reading until I was tired. I didn't even hear Teh German come to bed. #donotcurr
The standoff continued on Saturday morning. We are very stubborn. Teh German did ask me if I wanted coffee, so he was trying. We both got up with the dogs, Teh German to sit on the couch and chill, me to sit at the table and do/prep the next 2 weeks worth of homework (i.e. math). Eventually, Teh German headed outside to take care of yard work and I got sidelined from homework working with the new action cameras/their batteries and doing random house tasks, specifically purging everything we own.Since the cleaner was coming, I wanted things as decluttered as possible. This included my office. After getting all the new batteries on the chargers, I started doing a general tidying up of the house. I oiled the shredder, unjammed it, shredded a huge pile of shit that had been amassing for a while, and cleaned off my desk entirely.
I took a break to do some online shopping. Around noon, Teh Running Bestie texted me saying that she was really struggling through her half marathon and I offered to distract-chat with her and she called me immediately. For an hour, I babbled on and on. I told her about Teh German and I having a standoff and dance lessons and talked about wedding details that I was working on. I chatted with her while I laid out clean sheets for the cleaner to put on the beds. Eventually, the finish line was in sight and we ended the call and she got THREE medals for finishing the race (2 series and the race medal).
I spent a little bit of time wrapping gifts for my peeps and getting those items organized and moved all the wedding things into my office so they are in a centralized location. With only studying left to do, I opted to take a shower, bypassing my original idea of taking the dogs on a walk because it was a millionty percent humidity outside and I just couldn't be bothered. I decided as I got into the shower that I wanted to go California Dreaming for dinner because I had been thinking of the salad I didn't get and we didn't have a dinner plan.
Once I was showered, I went to the garage where Teh German was working on the Bobber bike and told him my dinner intentions and added that I also needed to make a trip to Walmart for various items. He said it was a good plan and we agreed that he'd finish up what he was doing and he'd shower and we'd go.
I did make one stipulation before we pulled out of the driveway: Teh German HAD to talk to me. He chuckled and agreed. Standoff, over. There was residual irritation that he never apologizes for pissing me off AND that he was blaming me for his problems, but I tried to adult and get over it.
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After some she-crab soup, this salad and croissant hit the spot. This is COMPLETELY the fault of Teh Dental Hygienist. |
After dinner, we hit up Walmart. I picked up items for Monday night's dinner (which we will get to), and some other items that had accumulated on my list that wasn't enough to meet the Walmart Grocery $$ minimum or Walmart Grocery didn't have in stock (weird). We also did a pass through the Halloween section to check out photobooth prop options.
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Neeeeiiiighhh. |
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"Left Shark" |
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Teh German is such a good sport to selfie with me. |
After we got home from Walmart, Teh German turned on the Stingrays game and I started working on my chemistry cheat sheet for my test (approved cheat sheet). Eventually, it was bedtime.
Sunday was a slow/lazy day. I got up with the dogs and Teh German stayed in bed. I worked more on homework and typed up my math homework for the next few weeks (1- this means I can look at the questions during class and answer them when I know them instead of forgetting the info then trying to do them, 2- time saved during wedding week/post wedding on typing up the questions).Teh German completed a few tasks for me (hanging pictures/shelves). When I finally got up from the table, I started doing random tasks again. It was so very ADD of me. I'd start something and move to another room and start something and it just kept going like that for several hours. Eventually, I had to ask Teh German to let me have access to the under-stairs storage area, which involves moving the truck and then moving both of his motorcycles. I figured for sure he was going to give me push back since he didn't really seem motivated to do things and had grumbled about hanging a few things (which turned out to be more simple than he expected, which I think helped), but he was happy to do it.
He had everything moved in a few minutes and I was able to get in the storage and pull out what I needed. He took the opportunity to straighten up the garage and purge his work bench. We also rearranged the helmet shelf since Bagheera and Bobber switched places and it was impossible for me to reach my helmet where it originally was. After I finished in the closet, I headed inside to do more tidying up. I loaded up Yurtle with items to bring to Goodwill. I completely relocated my school stuff to the office. I gathered all the wedding stuff and put it into a tub rather than being stacked all over my office.
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The table hasn't been this clean since before I started school... |
Eventually, I showered and got ready to go to school. Yep for real. We had a chemistry study session on Sunday night from 7-9pm. Cadets are on a weird schedule. I made a pitstop at Goodwill to drop off the dishes I had intended to sell but didn't want to bother with the effort and perused for some photobooth props (I found some epic hats). I made a poor life choice to stop by Wendy's and pick up dinner, which took way longer than it should have, and then I headed to school.
The cram session was mostly ineffective, IMO. But, I can say I showed up and tried. She mostly covered everything we had covered since the last test, rather than telling us what we should specifically focus on. Unhelpful.
Afterwards, I headed home. When I arrived home, I finished up my chem cheat sheet while Teh German watched some stupid West Coast Car Shop show on Netflix that made me want to break the TV. Seriously, some of those shows are so obnoxious. This one kept repeating that they were moving/had moved to a new show and instead of it being just a car renovation shop it was a store and recording studio and had a cafe and the renovations stuff.. it was weird and they kept repeating the same things. I know that people who watch those shows are watching for the cars, but fuck can we come up with some solid content? Ugh. #Ihateeverything
Eventually, it was bed time.
It was raining when the alarms went off on Monday morning and all I wanted to do was lay in bed and fall back asleep listening to the rain. But, it was not to be so.School was school and then I headed home. Throughout the day the cleaner lady had updated me. She was late because of a kid debacle and then when she left for lunch she texted me. Honestly, I wasn't really worried about when she arrived, I just wanted her to do a good job and be finished before our German guests arrived.
Sadly, I was disappointed. I got home around 3:15 and she was still upstairs. She was doing a deep clean, which included wiping down baseboards and blinds and fan blades and dusting in general (which she used a swiffer duster for, which I hate because I think they don't work well), cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming, mopping (I think she steam cleaned the floors, which I also don't love because I don't think it does a good job), she also was putting sheets on the beds, cleaning the kitchen, cleaning the oven (which was the first thing she did), and dusting downstairs.
When I got home, I told her we had guests coming and she asked when she should be done by and I told her 5:30. Then Teh German came home and said something about guests arriving at 6 and I guess she thought that meant she had more time? IDK. It was 6:05 when she was walking out the door, having rushed through the kitchen, dining room, downstairs bathroom, and my office. No bueno.
Fortunately, our guests were late. At first, I had been doing homework, but once I finished, I took the dogs on a quick walk, then into the kitchen I went, to prep dinner things. The cleaner lady is very nice, but I could tell she easily got sidetracked and she wasn't able to clean and talk at the same time, which wasn't good for me because once we started to get in a time crunch, I needed her to focus and get out of my house. While I was working on dinner, Teh German gave Pax and Meri, much needed baths.
Our guests were Teh German's Mom, Mom's Partner, Teh German's Aunt and Uncle. I had suggested on Thursday to Teh German that we have them for dinner after they arrived to CHS. Since Teh German's mom is vegetarian, I opted to serve salads then shrimp and grits with bacon on the side.
The ladies came with gifts of... marzipan! They know the keys to my heart... And Mama J actually picked up Lindt truffles with marzipan and Lindt is definitely one of my fave chocolate brands. She didn't know, but it was fate.
After a tour of House, dinner was served. I magically managed to scrape together an apt dessert of nuts, dried tropical fruits, and Halloween oreos. I also magically produced a variety of white wines for them to select from since the 1.5 bottles we had chilled were consumed (thankfully, no one drinks wine at my house).
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I didn't warn anyone I was taking a selfie. |
While Teh German socialized, I cleaned up dinner and did the dishes. I wanted to give him the opportunity to catch up with his family without them worrying about translating for me. Mama J did say that since they were in America, they must speak English, but when we're in Germany, we must speak Deutsch. I agreed.
I felt like I did a lot better with my German this time, in trying to speak in, at least broken sentences to convey things that weren't understood in English. Overall, it was a good night. After they left, Teh German said that the evening had went better than expected, at which point I realized that he had been stressed about this since, probably Friday, which is usually the culprit to our standoffs. I pointed out on Sunday morning that the last time we acted like this was when we bought the house. We did at least high five over the fact that we were less than 2 weeks out this time before we started to argue. #smallsteps
It was late when our German guests left, at which point I started to observe the craptastic job that the cleaner had done on the downstairs. Things on my desk hadn't been moved to be dusted, which meant that there was a layer of dust under my computer. The blinds hadn't been touched. I was so pissed that I got out the Pledge right then and dusted my entire office. There was still plenty of water/dust spots from Meri dripping water on the windowsill. I'm sure part of this was due to the fact that the cleaner was rushing to leave before our guests arrived, but I was frustrated because she'd been at my house all day and still hadn't finished/had to rush through the end and didn't do a good job. I ended up dusting the blinds in the office and dining room. I didn't bother to go into the bathroom because I knew I'd just be pissed off. I'm certain nothing on the little table was moved to be dusted. I was definitely baffled by this when I went upstairs and everything from my nightstand and dresser had been rearranged. Uhhhh, what? So she moved stuff to dust upstairs, but didn't move anything downstairs? Not even the items on the counter had been moved to be wiped under. I really struggled with this since I had hired her to do a deep clean. For me a deep clean = a very thorough clean. It means moving shit and wiping underneath them. It means doing detail work. Maybe my expectations are too high? I plan to message her and let her know that I was disappointed because I don't want to blast her on social media, but I've already corrected most things that pissed me off, so it's really not worth it. IDK. It's complicated.
I had to force myself to stop cleaning because it was super late and the alarms were going off at the same time, no matter what time I went to bed.
Overall, a productive weekend. I love purging weekends. I felt lighter when it was all over and my house LOOKED tidy, even if it was still dirty. Honestly, the cleaning lady did more than I had in over a month, so that was good, but I really struggle when I pay someone to do something and they don't do an exquisite job. I have obnoxiously high standards and I know that, but it didn't make sense to me why things upstairs were rearranged and cleaned under, but that wasn't the case downstairs, especially in the kitchen (under the toaster oven and ninja). Also, she cleaned the nose art off the windows and now my windows are super streaky. I know that's a stupid complaint, but I paid someone to do something and I shouldn't have any complaints. Ugh. #MeganProblems- This week Teh Running Bestie arrives! Wooooo!
- Thursday we're seeing Bill Engvall, "Here's your sign!" I cannot fucking wait.
- Friday is Teh German's bachelor celebration.
- Saturday is the James Island 10k, which we will probably make into a 5k that we walk, since we are #TeamInjuredBrokeAsses this year.
- Saturday night/evening is my bachelorette celebration, which has been planned in secret (as in, I have no idea what we're doing) by Teh PT Wife, Teh Dental Hygienist, and Teh Running Bestie. I'm not sure who all will be there. Teh Sister is supposed to come into town, but that is another batch of drama I'd prefer not to think of. Teh WJL isn't coming into town until Monday, so she will be missing out. The ONE thing I do know is that we're dressing up like princesses. I'm Ariel. I have a red wig that I have no idea how to wear. I'm already certain of the awesomeness of whatever we do (and that I'll be packing an extra outfit).
- Sunday is a cookout/hangout at Teh Ville for all guests that are in the area. Mostly a low key event for everyone to hang out, especially for those who traveled super far.
- Monday is school. I'm willing to take "exchange students" to school with me. LOL
- Tuesday is rehearsal day and late lunch at Mellow Mushroom.
- Thursday is post-wedding brunch (because we're gonna need to eat away the hangovers).
- Friday is school.
- Saturday I'm going to try to schedule a couple's massage for Teh German and I. I considered scheduling it for Thursday, but I have a feeling people will want to do activities maybe, so I wanted to leave our schedule open. By Saturday most everyone should be leaving.
So many detail things to work on this week. Printouts and signs and confirmations. I've started putting "please acknowledge receipt" on my correspondence so I know bitches actually got my emails... (*clear throat* DJ/photographer/wedding vendors). This week is a real test of my anxiety medication, but I am happy to report, no tears yet!
Wish me patience.. Loads and loads of patience.. and motivation to get all the things done!
Happy last week of October, Gentle Readers!
It's so cloooseee! What were you thoughts on Hocus Pocus?
ReplyDeleteI thought you were getting close!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad the visitors are doing well, and yes...stress. I give people a bye for about a month for a wedding, and 3-6-12 months with a baby. Big life changes = not enough time to process feelings and communicate.