Friday, October 26, 2018

Five on Friday #170

EINS - Random Shit

-Call me El Cheapo, but having to pay a $30 application fee to take a single class makes me kinda stabby.  College of Charleston didn't charge me an application fee and they are a university.  I applied at Trident Tech (a community college) (TTC) and was charged the app fee.  I guess now I know how they make their money...

-That $30 was wasted.  Well, earned then wasted.  Let me take you on a roller coaster ride.

I applied at TTC last week and hadn't yet received an email with the acceptance stuff.  The original plan was to take the 2nd half of my chemistry requirement there during the spring semester.  Theeeennn, Tuesday night, I realized they were offering that chem class I wanted RIGHT NOW, on Tues and Thurs (T/H) from 6-9pm.

I immediately went to Teh German and discussed the idea of taking a T/H class THIS semester with him.  I needed to make sure he was on board with me not being home T/H evenings.  He, of course, said, "Whatever you need to do."  I lost all kinds of sleep that night.

Wednesday, I filled out the transient student paperwork, went around campus trying to get signatures that weren't required, skipped German class and went to TTC to go sign up for the fall chemistry class.  My application still wasn't processed, so they had to earn their $30 and push it through.  Then I went through the registrar's office to sign up for the class.

At which point, it was revealed that the LAB was T/H from 6-9... The CLASS was Monday and Wednesday from 6-9.  That would make this class a 4 day a week commitment and I do not have that kind of time.  I need my evenings to do work and homework.    I still let the lady sign me up, even though there was much confusion in my brain.

I racked my brain on the drive from TTC to the office, trying to figure out how I could make it work... and came up with ONE solution, it wouldn't work.  AND, not only would it NOT work this semester, but it also wouldn't work in the spring semester either.  I called Teh German on my walk into the office.  He knows that middle of the day phone calls are usually nicht sehr gut (not so good), but a middle of the day phone call is definitely better than a middle of the day visit.

I explained that I had been to TTC and signed up for the class, but that it was actually Monday-Thursday and that just wasn't doable.  He agreed.  Then I dropped the bomb, "This means, I'll have to take this class during the summer."  I explained why and he agreed.  We also agreed that as long as we don't go out of the country during my summer break, it will be like I'm getting at least SOME summer break and not being stressed out.

When I got to the office, I went to explain to my boss that my scheduling situation had worked itself out and we were both relieved.  I had been stressing out about it since I'd first looked at the class offerings.  When I got to my desk, I emailed the lady who had registered me and explained that my job wouldn't work with a M-H class schedule so I, unfortunately, had to drop the class.

TL;DR: For 30 minutes of my life, I was enrolled in a community college class.

-The best thing about the chemistry class drama?  I'm RELIEVED.  Despite having to take a summer class, which I didn't want to do, it means that I don't spend the months up to the beginning of the spring semester stressing out about taking such a full load.  Then, I don't have to spend 2 months juggling SIX heavy (i.e. difficult) classes.  I can just focus on my classes now, and then my spring semester, and then my summer semester.  It means not having to stress about being in the office.  I literally felt my blood pressure slow down after I accepted the reality of summer class.

-I started listening to Harry Potter #1 because Teh PT Kid bought it at a book fair and I CANNOT WAIT to geek out on with him.  This is only my 2nd time "reading" HP, and this time, I'm doing the audio adventure and I'm loving it.  The first time was in 2012.  I'm not a hardcore Potterhead, but I do enjoy some HP references.

Know what else I enjoy?  All things Hagrid. 

Harry: "I never know. What's the difference between a stalagmite and a stalactite?"
Hagrid: "Stalagmite's got an 'm' in it. An' don' ask me questions just now, I think I'm gonna be sick."

It's always different enjoying a book for the 2nd time.  You KNOW how it's going to end.  You KNOW that Snape isn't really the bad guy.  You KNOW that Dumbledore is... well, I just won't say it because thinking about it breaks my heart.

-WTF Firefox spell check.  Dumbledore is an acceptable word but Hagrid and Snape had to be added to the dictionary?  Prioritize, bitches.

-One of the greyhounds we're gonna hang out with Christmas was diagnosed with osteo (bone cancer) this week.  My heart breaks for her family, but we're being positive that it was caught quickly enough that measures can be taken to ensure a long, healthy life. 

-HVAC update...  The service manager finally called me.  He knocked $100 off the price of the drip pan that WE have to pay to replace since it's not covered by the warranty and it's scheduled for Nov 5th.  There's no school that day since it's election day (GO FUCKING VOTE) and I'll just telework.

-Foot issues update.  My toe hasn't been hurting recently, which is nice.  After a follow up appointment with the podiatrist, we agreed that if I felt I needed a cortisone shot, I could call next week and come in and get it.  In the meantime, I'm on a rigorous diet of ibuprofen to reduce the swelling, I added a joint supplement to my daily pill regimen, and I'll continue rolling and stretching.  I also put in some support inserts in my running shoes, which eliminated all foot/toe pain for the left foot, but my BAD toe (from the 2016 incident) started to REALLY hurt.  I can't win for losing at this point.

-We FaceTimed with Auntie P this week.  I miss her.  I don't just say that because I know she reads this.  ;)

-I haven't admitted it to her, but Teh PT Wife has been on vacation all week and I've been counting down the days till she gets back.  I've been very good about letting her be on vacation and not snapping/messaging about real life (aka non-vacation) drama unless she messages me first.

ZWEI - Money Shit

-Friyay sweet tea
-Treats for Meri and Pax
-Family Coffee Date
-$30 application fee for TCC (a waste)
-KFC splurge
-Sesame brownie sundae
-Another round of pew pew lazors hair removal sessions
-Chickfila breakfast splurge
-Dog food
-(more) Hooks for the car (super first worldy, but awesome to keep shit from flying around)
-Joint supplement
-Earrings for my conch piercing (all of which were too short and have to be returned, ugh)

DREI - From My Phone Shit

Apples are just a vessel.
Individual caramel cups always seemed excessive...
until I realized: PORTION CONTROL.

New edging and mulch for their weed flower beds.

Enchiladas for dinner!
So much belly happiness.

Brownie sundae from Sesame was deemed "soul food" by Teh German, which I knew meant that I needed to take care of that craving.

Doofus 1 and Doofus 2 changed into their matching halloween collars this week.
I'm considering them dressed up for halloween now.

The elusive Park Circle Greyhound that I am always on the lookout for.  I would have stopped to say hi, which I've done (more than once)  but I wanted to get home.

German dinner:
Schnitzel and Kasespatzle by Teh German
Rotkuhl (red cabbage) by me

My circuits partner decided that my colored pens needs to be fucked with.
So he switched all the inks and tops on the pens in no order so they are all randomized.
Sadly, I couldn't handle this, but only in regards to the ink.  So I moved the correct ink back into the correct barrel color, but left the wrong colored tops on.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and the bed was made.
I came back 5 minutes later to this.
He's lucky he's cute.


I brought the inflatable dino costume in for Twin Dad to test out.  He walked around the office like this.

VIER - From the Internet Shit

FÜNF - Things that made me happy this week

  1. Resolving the chemistry class debacle.  So I'll have to take a summer class.  Fine.
  2. Rescheduling our anniversary massage to the 31st instead of the 30th.  This means I can cram for my tests the night before and not be as stressed.  AND I'll actually get to relax for my massage.
  3. My teacher returning an assignment to me when I turned it in early because I didn't do the assignment right.
  4. Parting my hair down the center on the first try for pigtails AND getting both buns up at a relatively even level on the first try.  #Miracles
  5. Cooler temps for runs.
  6. Hagrid.
  7. Determining doppelgangers for coworkers.  We had a Vizzini from Princess Bride and Billy Mays and a Hulk Hogan.
  8. Solid dinner picks this week.
  9. Accomplishing homework as early as possible to not have weekday homework as often as possible.
  10. Pre-wedding memories coming up on Facebook.

Happy Friday, Gentle Readers.

1 comment:

  1. The hamster thing is KILLING ME. So good.

    Boo class stress but yay resolution.

    Paul Rudd & Keanu Reeves must share a gene pool. Probably with Nicholas Cage.

    The pen-switcher is cruel, I would have lost my damn mind.

    Also, I already voted! Because early voting is the shiz-nit.


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